It's a brand-new day, it's a brand-new site.

How has training been like for you during the pandemic? Many of us have all had to adapt to the way we live our everyday lives. I have had to adjust the way that I train, and that has had its ups and downs. Working out is one of the main ways I bring balance into my life.


Even through official lockdowns, one hour of daily exercise was permitted but what if you didn’t like running/jogging/walking as an activity? What if you didn’t know what to do, or don’t have the motivation? Lack of motivation and not knowing how to train are some of the reasons that people sign up to gyms and/or hire personal trainers. Over the last few years, the health and fitness industries have grown and there are proven rewards of being active.


According to, these are the top 10 benefits of Regular exercise.

  1. It can make you feel happier

  2. It can help with weight loss

  3. It is good for your muscles and bones

  4. It can increase your energy levels

  5. It can reduce your risk of chronic disease

  6. It can help skin health

  7. It can help your brain health and memory

  8. It can help with relaxation and sleep

  9. It can reduce pain

  10. It can promote a better sex life

Full article


At the start of the pandemic, when all gyms closed, I started running, I have never been a fan of running, but I got into a flow and would mix it up with hill sprints, which I loved. I also started training my family in my Dads garden which consisted of around 12 of us spanning over 5 generations (this is when we had fewer restrictions) This was such a good bonding family activity, which brought us much closer together. 


Another thing I started, was classes on Zoom, I love teaching class in person so I was a bit apprehensive about teaching online but to my surprise, I found it quite easy to adapt, it was also a great way to reconnect to people who could no longer attend my classes due them relocating.


It has been a pleasure to provide this service for others but it has also been great for my mental wellbeing. Our classes on Zoom has become a little community, where we support each other.


Doing classes online has inspired me to create a website, there are so many things that I look forward to sharing with you in fitness, health and wellness. Welcome to my new site.



"We don't know who we are until we see what we can do" ~ Martha Grimes



Love Mimi




Hormones, bloody hormones