I am Michelle Norton, founder of Mimi Dimples fitness. I'm passionate about fitness training as well as good mental and emotional health. My fitness role models were my mum and Jane Fonda in my early teens. I was never into sports in school. I was afraid I would break a nail, but I smashed the 100 metres run and the long jump. 

I exercised throughout my 20’s and 30’s and became serious about training in my early 40’s. Now, in my late forties and going through perimenopause (the period that women experience before the menopause), I am experiencing hot flushes, fatigue and a little weight gain. I’ve have had to adapt my training to adjust to these changes, but by continuing to exercise, I now feel stronger than ever.

Training people makes me happy. I want you to feel like you are training with a good friend who you can trust. You should feel that I only want the best for you. I will train right alongside you - no drill sergeants here!

I focus mainly on body weight exercise training as I'm a true believer that you can train anywhere with minimal or no equipment.

I qualified as a personal trainer in 2014 and have since gone on to do further training in pre and post-natal exercise design, corrective exercise and weight loss. I'm dedicated to always learning more about how we can better our health. I am also a head of an arts organisation as well as a mother of a young adult, so appreciate having to incorporate training around a hectic lifestyle.  

Let me help you create the best version of yourself.

Prior to the first UK Lockdown I had done a few outdoor training sessions with Michelle and I really found them useful. However, during this lockdown, there was nothing better than doing these sessions, even though they were online. It is something that I look forward to every morning and it gets my day going. It has been a real treat and I always feel energised after every session. Michelle is such a good and experienced teacher that I genuinely feel that she truly cares about her students. 

  • She always does every exercise with us and I mean every exercise! That really inspires me to keep on going even on the hard days.

  • Classes are never boring as she keeps us on our toes by always mixing things up and we get homework, even though I don’t do it sometimes, it's always at the back of my mind and I do end up doing some of it.

  • I will recommend this session to anyone and everyone because I feel it has really made a difference to my life and I can see the changes in my body.

Dickson, Professional Dancer, London


“fall in love with the process and the results will come ”

— Sean McCabe